Detects Disease Earlier!
An Optomap Retinal Exam, or an ultra-widefield retinal examination, is the revolutionary diagnostic tool that allows clinicians to view a majority of the retina. The Optomap Retinal Exam is a non-dilating camera that captures a panoramic image of the retina. The Optomap allows the doctor to capture a 200° high-resolution image of your retina in a single shot– without dilation — in a quarter of a second. It takes just a few minutes to perform, and is immediately available for review.
What can the Optomap detect?
Both ocular and systemic disease can be detected with the Optomap. The device allows us to evaluate your retina for problems such as macular degeneration, retinal holes, retinal detachments, hypertension and diabetic retinopathy, which sometimes can be present without any other signs or symptoms.
Benign nevi or “freckles” of the back of the eye can also be found just like freckles on your skin. A device like the Optomap is critical to differentiate benign “freckles” versus malignant melanomas of the retina. The Optomap allows you the opportunity to see the inside of your eye just as the doctor sees it!
The optomap Retinal Exam is fast, easy, and comfortable for all ages.
An optomap Retinal Exam provides:
- A scan of the retina to show health of the eye and detect disease.
- Gives your doctor a more detailed view than he/she can get by other means.
- The opportunity for you to view and discuss the optomap® image of your eye with your doctor at the time of your exam.
- A permanent record, which allows us to view your images yearly, and monitor any changes.
What is an OCT?
OCT stands for Optical Coherence Tomography. Simply put, the OCT is a non-invasive tool that “takes pictures of the back of your eye.”
Another way to think of OCT is that it functions like an ultrasound, except it uses light* – instead of sound waves – to map the shape of the retina and optic nerve. It is safe, non-invasive, and not destructive to tissue. A camera-like device directs waves of light which bounce back and form an accurate 3-D picture of your eye (your retina). As well as the 3D scan, the OCT takes a photograph of the eye in high resolution. This allows us to pinpoint any area of concern to review in depth.
Here are some examples of the information that Optical Coherence Tomography can provide about your eyes
Macular Degeneration
Diabetic Retinopathy